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April 6, 2013

The 4 Most Common Types of Headaches – Which One Do You Have?

by Admin

A large part of the population have experienced some sort of headache in their lifetime.  Dealing with Migraine headaches can interfere with regular daily activities and in some cases, can hinder some from being able to get out of bed.
Knowing what type of headache you have can help you treat the right symptoms.

Migraine Headache

  •     Headache behind the eyes
  •     Headache on one side of the head, or both
  •     Can be made worse with physical activity. Even standing quickly off a couch can cause a pounding sensation
  •     Sensitivity to light and sound (You may find yourself closing all the blinds in the house and avoiding any noise)
  •     Tingling in your face, arms, and shoulders
  •     Many experience nausea and/or vomiting
  •     Migraines tend to last longer than an average headache.  Can last up to 72 hours.

Even though there has not been a absolute cure for migraines, there are particular things that have been known to trigger them. These triggers can range anywhere from: women hormonal changes, to certain foods such as chocolate, Champaign, cheese, processed foods, strong odors, changes in your sleep patterns, stress, skipping meals, salty food and much more.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are also called chronic daily headaches according to WebMD. You might experience all, or just some of the following symptoms:

  •     Pain on one, or both sides of head
  •     Aching or squeezing sensation in the temples or forehead and can travel down the shoulders
  •     Usually associated with a stressful situation
  •     If a tension headache lasts longer than 15 days it is considered a chronic tension headache

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches affect men more than women.  Cluster headaches are recurring headaches that come in “clusters” or groups.

  •     They appear suddenly and are known for extreme, debilitating pain
  •     Often occur with water eyes or a runny nose
  •     since the cause is unknown Cluster headaches are thought to be genetic
  •     Cluster headaches can come from a certain type of medication, high nitrates in food, bright light (even sunlight) high altitudes, alcohol and smoking cigarettes, exertion, and cocaine.

Sinus Headaches

When a sinus headache becomes inflamed due to infection or allergic reaction, it may cause pain and swelling. Symptoms include:

  •     Deep pain in the cheekbones
  •     Fever
  •     Pain in the eye brow area of the face
  •     Feeling of fullness in the ears
  •     Pressure-like pain in certain area of the face
  •     Face feeling tender to the touch
  •     Fatigue
  •     Generally ill feeling
  •     Symptoms may start after a cold, when mucus in the nose has been constant for a while

Sinus Headaches can be very uncomfortable and most of the time requires antibiotics.

There are a lot more kinds of headaches, but these 4 are the most common. There are treatment options for you if you are one of the many who suffer from these types of headaches.

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