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Posts from the ‘Lifestyle’ Category


Diabetes Can Harm Your Teeth and Gums If Not Controlled

Diabetes can increase the amount of sugar in your saliva. Over time, this can cause tooth decay and gum infections. But you can help prevent these problems by taking good care of your teeth.

Teeth and Gums

Here’s what to do:

  • Manage your blood sugar. See your dentist at least twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. Be sure to tell your dentist that you have diabetes
  • Call your dentist if you have red, bleeding, or tender gums for more than a few days. These problems may be an early sign of gum disease
  • gumDisease_tooth

    Floss your teeth after every meal. Then brush your teeth for 3 minute Read more »



Diabetes can hurt your feet in 2 ways:

  • High blood sugar damages your nerves, including those in your feet. With damaged nerves, you might not feel pain, heat, or cold. A sore or cut may get worse and become infected without your feeling it
  • Diabetes reduces blood flow to your feet. When your feet don’t get enough blood, infections may not heal

Protect your feet by taking extra care of them:

  • Have a comprehensive foot exam every year
  • Wash your feet in warm water every day and dry them well
  • Never go barefoot
  • Wear shoes and socks that fit well
  • Inspect your feet every day for cuts, bruises, or swelling
  • Ask your diabetes care team how you should care for your toenails
  • Call your diabetes care team if you injure your feet in any way
  • Make sure your diabetes care team checks your feet at every visit

Lifestyle Tips

Some helpful tips for everyday living when being a Diabetic Read more »