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Posts tagged ‘carbs’


Chicken and Sweet Pepper Linguine Alfredo

Chicken and Sweet Pepper Linguine AlfredoBoth rich in vitamin A, summer squash and zucchini help make this typically high-calorie dish more diabetes-friendly! Swap out some of the pasta for more sweet peppers or chicken to further cut down on carbs Read more »


Tracking and Counting Carbs

how many carbsWhile you don’t need to follow a “diabetic diet,” it will be easier to manage your blood glucose if you eat similar amounts of carbohydrate at your meals from day to day. Carbohydrates, one of the three nutrients that provide calories from food, have the greatest impact on your blood glucose, particularly after eating. But that doesn’t mean you should restrict foods that contain carbohydrates. You need the energy, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that these foods contain. Read more »